
AN03 - First Assignment Wk.1

Well guys this past week I started my third class at Animation Mentor, Advanced Body Mechanics!  Also, my teacher, Steve Cunningham, is pretty legit.  The second day of the semester he sent all of us an email breaking down the guidelines for the term, which are above and beyond AM's curriculum for the term.  So that was a bit intimidating haha.  Overall though he seems like a pretty awesome teacher and I'm pretty excited for this term!
So this past week we had to plan out a physical shot containing at least three physical elements to it.  Now Steve, in that intimidating email, actually set up some scenarios for each of the three assignments in the class so that we could already have an idea and get to the planning stage.  Seeing as coming up with a decent idea is half the battle for me, I decided to go with his pre-thought up assignment.  For the first one, the idea was the character kicks/throws a ball.  The variables of how the character goes about doing the action are the things I had to come up with, so this is what I've come up with...
And here are the sketches I gathered from watching my reference video...

We also have a pose a day challenge in class where every time you sit down at the computer to work, you first find a pose that goes with the week's pose challenge theme and pose it out with one of the rigs.  The idea is from a quote that says "every artist has 10,000 bad drawing in them (or poses in our case), the sooner you work through the bad ones the sooner you get to the good drawings/poses."  This past week I wasn't really on it so I'll be starting in the second week.  That's all folks!  Have a great week!

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