
Combo Attack Polish and Final

Well I've decided to put the last two videos for my combo animation in one post instead of dragging it out over two posts, because we all know I'm bad at regularly posting on here.
The last post was one of my blocking passes and from there I added some more forward motion throughout the animation.  I also made the jumps have more of an impact and made the overall motions snappier.  All of this was pointed out to me of course by my teacher who was very good at pointing out everything in my animations that could be improved.
So here is one of my polishing pass animations..
And here is the "final" version.  I have "final" in quotations because I may edit the effects at some point for my reel.
Well until next time!  Have a great week guys!


Combo Attack Blocking 2

Why hello there!  It has been quite some time since my last posting and I thought that now, since I am done with Workshop 2, would be a good time to start blogging again.  Instead of throwing the stuff I continued to work on in this class at you guys all at once, I'm going to limit it to each milestone in the animations has it's own post, like how it would if I had kept up with this while I was in class.
So after my blocking pass in the previous post, I continued to add more keys to the step animation and then converted it all to spline, using auto-tangents, to get a feel for the timing and see how the motions were working.  You may also notice that I changed the starting pose as well as the distance that she jumps with the final smash.  My teacher really wanted me to get that satisfying snappy feel for this animation and with this pass I was working a little more towards that.  There are definitely spots in this pass where I needed to add some more frames in between actions because you can't really see what's happening at some parts, but don't worry, I fixed all that later!  So I guess you probably would like to actually see the video I've been talking about, here it is!
Next post I'll have have some more polishing for ya, so check back in a couple of days!