
Exploring California!

Guys! Burbank is beautiful! The convention hasn't even started and I've seen so much! The trip here on the plane was really cool, everything looked so tiny from way up there!

 So our first day here our friends took us on a drive by of Disney Animatn Studio and then we stopped to get a picture in front of the Dreamworks building, which if you follow me on Facebook you've most likely seen this...
So that in itself was pretty exciting! Then we went to the Grennith park observatory, which had some breath taking views!

This place is just so cool!
On Thursday we also we're able to see some amazing things! We started off the day by going to the Hollywood walk of fame with a bunch of my friends, it was so cool seeing the stars/footprints and handprints...

So that was pretty awesome, although I did realise that Hollywood is kind of dirty lol. 
Later in the day, our friend Sarah allowed us the insane opportunity to tour Riot!

I just can't even explain how cool it was there.  The people were so down to earth and nice, and they have an awesome work environment!
Well today will be the first day of CTN so I hope to have lots to tell you guys tomorrow!


CTN Week!

Why hello there!  I thought I would go ahead and make my first blog post for this awesome week!  So this week, if you didn't gather from the title, is CTNx 2014 week!  I am just so excited right now and I don't know how I'm expected to go to work in an hour under all of this excitement!  I have also managed to ninja pack everything for this 5 day trip in a carry on bag, I quite impressed myself there with that one too.

So for this grand weekend event, I ordered some business cards from Moo.  Oh my goodness, let me tell you, these business cards are the best quality of business cards I've ever seen.  I just love how they turned out and I recommend everyone using them!  I was pretty excited how my design turned out when printed on them as well.  Here they are!

And yes that is a Corgi calendar in the background of the middle photo, along with a painting of me as a general with a monocle courtesy of one Josh Janousky.
Last week I also decided to start a test animation using the new Animation Mentor rig, Aia.  She is just really a fantastic rig so far and I am excited to get more work done on this test so you guys can all see it!
Well my next post on here will be from California!  I'm going to try to make a new post each day of the convention so you guys can all see what's happening.  I'm also going to attempt to use my Twitter and Instagram accounts while I'm there, so you guys should follow me @crstewart24!