
AN03 - Third Assignment Wk.4&5

Guys!  I can't believe I forgot to make a blog post last week and the beginning of this week.  In my defense, I've been busy with school/work/trying to find a place to live.  Anyway, this post will just have both of my spline passes so far as oppose to one.
Alright, here's my first spline pass...
There were definitely issues with this one.  Some being that halfway though the box stopped looking heavy, and then the box looked like it was sliding, then falling off the table, which doesn't make sense.
Now here is the second spline pass that I submitted on Sunday...
With many critiques from my mentor and, well as the Animation Mentor community, I think I was able to add that weight to the box again.  As well as fix the box sliding off the table issue at the end.  Oh I also submitted a soccer (futbol) pose to an Animation Mentor contest they are having since the World Cup is happening.  The link to the contest is here http://blog.animationmentor.com/the-world-animation-cup-2014/ and here is the image that I submitted...
Have a great rest of the week everyone!


  1. I enjoyed watching, and felt bad when the box fell on his foot after all that work!
